Find CPD Activities with BPCA | Pest control development

Pest management Continuing Professional Development (CPD) describes the learning activities that pest professionals engage in to develop and improve their skills, knowledge and competency throughout their careers.

CPD does not replace the need for training or formal qualifications. However, it does demonstrate an individual’s commitment to best practice, professionalism and lifelong learning. CPD is a great way to stay up-to-date with legislation changes, best practices and key changes within the industry.

How do you get CPD points?

You can earn CPD points through various opportunities and activities delivered by BPCA. Some of our activities are member-only, however many are open to everyone. 


CPD videos

Watch back videos from our BPCA events, such as webinars and Forums, in our CPD video area. We have hundreds of hours of technical pest control videos available to stream. 

Watch now (login required)

On BPCA Registered? Don’t forget to log your points in your CPD Diary.


CPD quizzes

We have loads of pest management quizzes available to take through our online learning portal to prove your continual learning. Our quizzes are open to everyone, completely free of charge. You can take them anytime; you only need an internet browser to participate. 

Take now (login required)

You can get free access to the online learning portal and CPD quizzes by signing up for the free BPCA Affiliate Scheme.


PPC magazine and feature articles

Professional Pest Controller (PPC) magazine is BPCA’s trade magazine for the UK pest management sector and its members. Access articles free of charge through the PPC Online website and read feature articles by industry-leading professionals. 

Read technical articles now

On BPCA Registered? Don’t forget to log your points in your CPD Diary.


Online events - webinars and Forums

BPCA hosts webinars and Forums showcasing technical pest control subjects. BPCA Digital Forums are free to attend, while our webinars are only open to members. Our digital events are on Zoom, so you can quickly join on any computer, phone or tablet. 

View upcoming webinars    

Join a Forum event

Missed a digital event? Watch back in our CPD Videos area (login required). 


Exhibitions and Forums

We host an exhibition like PestEx and PPC Live at least once a year. BPCA exhibitions are an excellent way to network, learn new products, and stay up-to-date with pest management. You can also join our local Forums, which are free for anyone to attend. 

Find an upcoming event


Toolbox talks

Toolbox talks are a fantastic way for you and your team to stay up to date. We've provided some template toolbox talks for members to get you started. Feel free to adapt your talks for your business.

Find a toolbox talk (login required)


Documents and Codes

BPCA has a member library packed with documents and reading materials for pest professionals. Reading or using these documents as part of your research is an excellent form of continuing professional development. 

Search library (login required)


Attend BPCA training courses

BPCA hosts a range of paid training courses in all areas of pest management. BPCA members get discounts on all training. All our courses carry CPD points.

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CPD partners

BPCA works with a range of partners to ensure that those on BPCA Registered have access to various training programmes and events. Find places to get CPD points for the BPCA Registered scheme in our CPD Provider directory.

Search CPD partners


Third-party CPD inspiration

Find interesting CPD resources that could be useful for pest management professionals looking for meaningful continuing professional development activities.

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Unstructured CPD

CPD is more than just attending training courses or regional meetings. Any activity defined as personal development for your daily work is continuing professional development. Members on BPCA Registered can record their unstructured CPD in their CPD Diary. 

CPD diary  

How to record unstructured CPD

What CPD do pest controllers have to do?

We believe that every professional pest controller has a responsibility to keep their knowledge and skills current so that they can deliver a high-quality service that meets the expectations of customers and of the profession.

For this reason:

More about BPCA Registered

CPD can be a combination of different types of learning such as training workshops, conferences and events, e-learning programmes, best practice techniques and on-the-job learning such as technical support or ideas sharing.

All of these activities are focused on an individual improving and developing themselves professionally.

What type of CPD can I do?

There are three main types of CPD:

Structured CPD

involves interactive and participation-based study. It typically includes attending training courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, or taking online learning courses.

Reflective CPD

is more one-directional and doesn’t involve any participation-based interaction. Examples would include reading relevant news articles, podcasts, case studies and industry updates.

Self-Directed CPD

refers to all unaccompanied CPD activities. It covers on-the-job learning, reading of documents, articles and publications. Any research projects you undertake or training development work you prepare would all come under this category.

CPD is important because it ensures that pest management professionals continue to be competent in their roles.

The ultimate outcome of well-planned and applied CPD is that it safeguards the public, the employer and the professional’s career.

Do pest controllers need CPD?

For full BPCA Servicing members, all staff involved in the eradication and control of pest species must be members of a recognised CPD scheme.

BPCA members are eligible to use BPCA Registered, the Association’s own individual recognition and CPD scheme. Alternative CPD schemes are available. Contact the BPCA membership team to find out which CPD schemes are accepted.

What is BPCA Registered?

BPCA Registered is the Association’s bespoke CPD scheme for member employees that enables them to easily evidence their qualifications and continual development and demonstrate their commitment to professionalism.

The scheme encourages individuals to take control of their own CPD, providing a one-stop-shop for a wide range of CPD activities from formal training and online learning to self-learning accomplishments such as assignments, research projects and magazine articles.

BPCA Registered Cards

BPCA Registered also recognises that on-the-job learning is a valuable CPD resource and by detailing what you have learned and how you’ve applied it your role, this can also be counted towards your CPD requirement.

Having our technicians recognised as BPCA Registered Technicians is great motivation for them and, as the scheme develops, will encourage our team to achieve higher qualifications. I think the ID card will also give our customers added assurance that they are in safe hands.

David Lodge, Beaver Pest 

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