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14 March 2025

BPCA Committee Reports 2024

PPC118 | Annual report

BPCA is run by members, for members. Here, the Chairs of BPCA's various Committees update you on the work they've been doing in 2024. 

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Professional Standards Report

When I write my reports I am reminded just how much our dedicated group of volunteers have achieved and how lucky we are to have a diligent BPCA Staff team who work tirelessly to support us, the membership.

2024 was an exciting year for the Professional Standards Committee, with a number of strategic projects, both new and ongoing, coming under our remit.

One of the largest of these is the Qualification Framework development. 

Our focus in 2024 was to consult with industry, primarily around our proposal to upgrade the current Level 2 Award in Pest Management to a Level 3 qualification, through the addition of a practical assessment to test competency. 

We conducted a survey, organised events, wrote articles and created video content to reach out to as much of the industry as possible and seek feedback – good, bad and indifferent.

We were very encouraged by the results of the consultation, which confirmed to us that we were indeed on the right track.

The consultation also gave us some food for thought in some broader areas and we’re going to spend the first part of the new year reviewing that feedback and looking to see where we can incorporate some of the ideas into the framework. 

In 2024 we also focussed on encouraging people to give more thought to their own CPD; to recognise learning opportunities whenever they arose and to record that CPD throughout the year as it happens. 

Changing culture is a slow and gradual process, but the Committee is happy to report that we are already seeing the difference, with more CPD being recorded throughout 2024 than in previous years. 

The BPCA Onboarding programme has had incredible uptake in 2024 and the quality of technicians coming to the end of the onboarding process is notably different! It is amazing to see the opportunities some of us could have only hoped for many years ago.

Last year also saw the Committee take a proposal to the Board for the Association to focus on delivery of formal qualifications and accredited training programmes. 

Going forward, we will put our weight behind delivering training that supports recruitment and continued development within the industry. 

The Committee has also developed an accreditation scheme for professional trainers working within the pest management sector.

Launching in 2025, the scheme recognises individuals with the qualifications, experience, and expertise to deliver high-quality training to the sector. It also offers independent accreditation for their training.

It goes without saying that none of this work is possible without fellow pest controllers volunteering to take part in committees. These are your committees and we always welcome ideas, contributions and new members. Please do get involved.

Martin Rose-King
Professional Standards Committee Chair

Outreach and Communications Committee

If you think you can help make a difference, join the Committee and be a part of the change.

As we leave 2024 behind us, I want to take this chance to look back at the previous year and have a quick glance at the year to come.

But to start, what does being on a group like the Outreach and Communications (O&C) Committee actually mean?

It might feel like a super-secret club that being invited onto means you have to learn a funny handshake and know a special password.  

You might read these reports (mine included) and think “this is the kind of club that is made up of shadowy cabals plotting behind closed doors. After all, who ever asked my opinion on this?!”.

But in reality, it is nothing of the sort. It is much simpler, more transparent and infinitely more fun.

Any full BPCA member can join these committees, and any pest controller, member or not, can join the working groups that committees put together to discuss important projects.

It isn't easy, and rarely do we see change happen overnight, but we CAN make it happen. So why not be a part of that change?

Last year we discussed how we can try and make committee meetings more accessible to smaller businesses, how we can support the BPCA Staff team by creating advocates for key projects, and we talked about how we can more effectively and openly discuss the projects we are working on.

And what projects might those be?

We discussed how best to engage with Local Authorities, we’ve assisted with building and troubleshooting the new BPCA app, we worked with other committees on how best to find and recruit new technicians to the industry, and we’ve helped create the BPCA Manifesto which will plot the course of our lobbying work with Government.

This is alongside our regular tasks, such as helping page plan PPC magazine, assisting with press relations and providing expertise on digital communications (ie social media).

We end 2024 at the beginning of a new five-year plan, and for that we spent the latter part of the year looking at how best to focus our time as a committee, and deciding what our key strategic objectives should be. 

What we did, and what we will continue to do, is be the voice of the industry to the Association, in turn helping the Association to support the industry.  

And with that I will leave you with one thought and one challenge: if you think you can help make a difference, join the Committee and be a part of the change.

Alex Wade
Outreach and Communications Committee Chair

Technical Committee

In 2024, BPCA Technical Committee focused on rodent glue boards, pushing for a sales ban and a more workable licensing scheme...

BPCA Technical Committee is responsible for overseeing pest management strategies, ensuring compliance with regulations, and advancing best practices in pest control. 

During 2024, we met four times to discuss industry trends and how we can use our resources to best support pest controllers. Much of our focus has been on rodent glue boards and the new licensing scheme

It is clear that the Natural England scheme is having unintended consequences. BPCA will continue to push for the ban of the sale of glue boards, as well as a more workable licensing scheme for professionals.

Only once a ban on the sale is achieved will the licensing scheme become worthwhile.

The Technical Committee has made significant progress on Codes of Best Practice, ensuring compliance, research advancements, and capacity building.

Moving forward, a stronger emphasis on sustainable practices and technology integration will be key to addressing future challenges.

For 2025, we are excited about the PestSafe UK scheme. PestSafe is an initiative aimed at ensuring safer and pest-free accommodation across the United Kingdom.

PestSafe UK seeks to establish a robust framework to prevent and manage pest infestations in rented properties.  

The project will introduce mandatory pest assessments and certification processes, establish guidelines for pest technicians and management companies, and raise awareness about the importance of pest control within the rental market, ensuring safer and healthier living conditions for tenants and property owners alike.

This comprehensive scheme focuses on protecting the health and well-being of tenants, while promoting responsible landlord practices.

By addressing the issue of pest infestations, we aim to mitigate the associated diseases, destruction, and misery caused by such occurrences. 

Kunal Puri
Technical Committee Chair

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee

The role of the EDI Committee is critical as we address one of the biggest challenges facing our industry—ensuring we have the people we need to thrive.

As Chair of the British Pest Control Association’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee, I am proud to reflect on an impactful year.

Our Committee is made up of passionate and committed members, and I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has contributed their time, insights, and energy.

This year, we achieved a significant milestone with the launch of the new EDI Toolkit, which has been well received across the industry.

The toolkit, designed to support member companies in recruiting and retaining talent outside the traditional pest control norm, represents a vital step toward addressing the pressing recruitment challenges we face. 

With 40% of the workforce expected to retire in the next decade, there is an urgent need to tap into underrepresented talent pools—bringing in more young people, more women, and greater diversity.

The response to the toolkit has been encouraging, with particularly strong engagement on LinkedIn. 

However, this is just the beginning. Our next step is the launch of the EDI Charter, which will allow companies to demonstrate their commitment to fostering an inclusive and welcoming industry.

Signing up to the charter will be a badge of honour, showing that a company is embracing change and paving the way for growth and innovation. 

The role of the EDI Committee is critical as we address one of the biggest challenges facing our industry—ensuring we have the people we need to thrive.

Together, we are building an industry that is diverse, resilient, and ready for the future. 

Thank you to everyone who has joined us on this journey so far—we look forward to achieving even more in the year ahead.

Julia Pittman
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee Chair

Source: Online

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