BPCA Volunteers and Executive Board

BPCA Volunteers 

BPCA is run by volunteers from member companies and supported by the Staff team

Members can join Committees or groups to help support specific areas of the Association’s work. Our Committees oversee the most significant projects and help set the direction of the Association. Members can also apply to be a part of the BPCA Executive Board when a board vacancy is available.  

Our volunteers are unpaid, so they still have busy day jobs as pest professionals or running pest management businesses. Our volunteers are the backbone of BPCA, which means we’re run for and by the sector. 

Our Board and Committees often involve wider membership participation with working groups formed for short-term, specific projects to support the strategy or emergent issues

BPCA Executive Board

Our Executive Board is the BPCA board of directors, bound by the Companies Act 2006 and the BPCA's Articles of Association and Rules, which are agreed upon by the members

Board members are individuals from BPCA member companies, and any eligible Member can apply for a Board vacancy when advertised. Applicants for Member Representatives go to the membership for the ballot. The Executive Board sets the Association’s strategy, admits new members, and deals with breaches of our regulations and Codes of Conduct.

The Officers (President, Vice-Presidents, Honorary Treasurer, and Immediate Past President) are appointed by the Executive Board from amongst their numbers. The Standing Committee Chairs are nominated by the members of their respective Committees and appointed by the Executive Board.

Our Volunteers 

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