BPCA provide a free and impartial service that aims to resolve disputes between consumers and providers in the pest management sector. BPCA is a Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) approved alternative dispute resolution (ADR) provider.
BPCA ADR is designed to mediate disputes that have not been resolved through the service provider’s own internal complaints procedure. BPCA can only deal with complaints involving BPCA member companies.
First of all, we are very sorry to hear you're not happy with things. Our staff team can give you advice before you send in your complaint. A member of our team is always available during office hours on +44 (0) 1332 294 288 or via complaint@bpca.org.uk
Post Complaints should be sent to:
4A Mallard Way
Pride Park
DE24 8GX
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Our complaints process
BPCA can only deal with complaints that are related to pest management work. We do not deal with complaints that are outside of pest management activities, ie cleaning, specialist hygiene, etc.
BPCA can also only deal with complaints related to member companies. You can check to see whether a company is a BPCA member with our check a member tool.
BPCA acts as a trade association for companies involved in public health pest control. This includes manufacturers, suppliers, consultants and servicing companies. The Association promotes, watches over, and advances the interests of such companies and encourages efficient service by them to their clients, whether domestic or commercial.
The Association will look at any complaint in conjunction with the Code of Conduct and our codes of best practice and will try to mediate in any dispute with the aim of achieving a satisfactory outcome. Failing this, the matter may be brought before the BPCA Executive Board which will decide on appropriate action regarding the member concerned.
However, the Association has no legal sanction. It is not a court of arbitration and has no powers to enforce a settlement. Thus, while the Association do its best to mediate and resolve a dispute with the aim of achieving an outcome which is reasonably satisfactory to both parties, it cannot enforce one.
Please note that the BPCA complaints procedure may not be used as a precursor to litigation (that is, you can’t use our process to take someone to court).
Complaints will be dealt with if they are regarding:
- Poor pest control service (public health, wildlife)
- Poor customer service standards
- Suspected illegal conduct
- Unprofessional conduct.
Complaints must:
- Have gone through the right complaints process
- Be submitted within 12 months from the date of your deadlock letter from the trader/business to submit your complaint
- Have enough detail and paperwork for us to investigate, for example - evidence of issues experienced is required ie treatment reports, quotations, invoices, surveys, photos, etc
- Have been raised directly with the pest management company already to give them an opportunity to make the complaint right.
It's important to note we can't look at complaints:
- About issues that happened more than a year ago (unless there are special circumstances)
- About employment, personnel or most contractual matters
- Where any legal proceedings are underway
- Against non-member companies
- About a non-pest control related service (for example, specialist cleaning)
- Based solely on hearsay, opinion, informal second-opinion or without evidence.
Complaining about a BPCA member
You can check to see whether a company is a BPCA member with our check a member tool.
Step one: Contact the member
Before you complain to us about a member you must follow these steps.
Problems between the client (you) and the company (our member) can arise because of misunderstandings or a breakdown in communication, and can often be resolved by direct discussion with the person concerned.
- Telephone the company to try and resolve the complaint yourself (record dates and the name of the person you speak to)
- Utilise emails to resolve your complaint – these can be used as evidence if you do decide to submit a formal complaint to BPCA
- Inform the member company that you intend to submit a complaint to their Association if the issue is not resolved.
Please note that your contract is between yourself and the person or business which issued the invoice/receipt and so you should approach them initially.
Step two: Submitting a formal complaint
If your own efforts to resolve a grievance directly with our member have failed, then the Association may be able to investigate the matter on your behalf and will use its best efforts to resolve things.
You must submit your formal complaint to the Association by completing the complaints form, setting out the details of your complaint.
You can submit your formal complaint through the formal complaint form.
Formal member complaint form
How BPCA investigates member complaints
Generally, complaints take two-four weeks to find a closing resolution. Complaint time scales can vary hugely depending on the level of content to review and the complaint type.
The process is:
- Once the complaint has been received, we will inform you of the receipt and advise how we will proceed
- Our Compliance Manager will then review the complaint detail and if necessary, come back to you requesting extra information
- We will contact the member company to allow them to submit their versions of events (calls and emails)
- The Compliance Manager will make an assessment of the complaint and what resolution can achieved
- In the event that we cannot resolve your complaint in an amicable manner, we will advise further steps you can take
- Formal second opinion - If appropriate and necessary, the Association may arrange for a formal second opinion from a suitably qualified individual. A charge may be made for this service, but we will not do this without your approval
- Sometimes, the BPCA Professional Standards committee will review the complaint if the compliance manager has not managed to come to a clear decision.
Upheld complaints
BPCA cannot enforce refunds or compensations, even where there is a clear breach of standards. Legal advice would need to be sought by the complainant.
Complaints that find there is a need for improvement, an improvement notice will be submitted to the member company. This process is an internal one and will not be shared with the complainant. An improvement notice looks to achieve improving the standards of a member company. Improvement notices will be issued if:
- An industry Code of Best Practice has been breached
- Legislation has been breached
- Professional technical standards have been clearly breached
- Very poor customer service has been evidenced
You can view BPCA Codes of Best Practice at bpca.org.uk/codes
The British Pest Control Association does not have the authority to order a refund or part refund by the member, irrespective of the outcome of the complaint, particularly if further services have subsequently been purchased from another company. Citizens Advice, Trading Standards or Consumer Direct can advise you as to your consumer rights with regard to a refund. Only a court of law has the authority to order any action or payment in connection with a complaint.
Nevertheless, a genuine effort will be made to deal with your problem and achieve a satisfactory solution. Should your complaint be upheld, this may result in disciplinary action including termination of the company’s membership of the Association.
Most complaints can be resolved by good communication between the client and member.
Complaining about a non-member
Unfortunately, we cannot deal with complaints against non-members. We suggest you contact your local Trading Standards Department for support.
If you need help submitting a complaint please contact:
England and Wales: citizensadvice.org.uk or 03444 111 444 (England) / 03444 77 20 20 (Wales)
Scotland: cas.org.uk or 03454 04 05 06
Northern Ireland: citizensadvice.co.uk or 0300 1 233 233
Ireland: citizensinformation.ie or 0761 07 4000
Complaining about a fellow Member
We hope that it will rarely be necessary for you to make a complaint against a fellow member of the Association but, if you feel obliged to do so, then this text explains the process to be followed. This sets out the mechanism for investigating any alleged breaches of the Association’s Code of Conduct by any of its members.
Step one: Initial contact
Dissatisfaction between members can often arise because of misunderstandings or a breakdown in communication and can often be resolved by direct discussion with the fellow member concerned. Have you spoken to your fellow member?
If you have not already done so, please write to your fellow member setting out the problem.
If the person concerned is an employee you should approach the proprietor or the managing director.
Step two: Formal complaint
If your own efforts to resolve a grievance have failed then the Association may be able to investigate the matter on your behalf. Any complaint must be made to the Chief Executive in writing. A letter (on your company headed paper)
Any complaint must be made to the Chief Executive in writing. A letter (on your company headed paper) should, therefore, be sent to the Association’s Derby office setting out the details of your complaint. When sending the letter, please include copies of all correspondence which has passed between yourself and your fellow member and any evidence of the alleged improper conduct. It should be noted that ‘hearsay’ is not acceptable evidence and will not be taken into consideration.
When sending the letter, please include copies of all correspondence which has passed between yourself and your fellow member and any evidence of the alleged improper conduct. It should be noted that ‘hearsay’ is not acceptable evidence and will not be taken into consideration. However, if you can obtain written comments from a third party (eg a client or witness) then this may be admissible.
A copy of the letter and supporting documents will be sent to the member concerned (respondent) asking for their written comment on the situation. All correspondence will then be considered by the Chief Executive and Investigating Officer with reference to the Association’s Code of Conduct. Should it be considered that the respondent is in breach of the Code of Conduct and there is, therefore, a case to be answered the facts will be put to the Association’s Executive Board.
The Association will consider the facts and investigate allegations of improper conduct. Both the complainant and respondent will be informed, in writing, of the Association’s decision and recommendations.
If the issue is considered to be of a serious nature then the Association’s official disciplinary procedure will be enforced (further details of this are available on request). Should your complaint be upheld, this may result in disciplinary action including termination of the respondent’s membership of the Association. The respondent has the right of appeal.
Limitations of the Associations' authority
British Pest Control Association acts as a trade association to promote, watch over and advance the interest of its members and encourage efficient service by them to their clients. In pursuit of this, the Association will always try to mediate in any dispute with the aim of achieving a satisfactory outcome. Failing this, the matter may be brought before the BPCA Executive Board which will decide on appropriate action regarding the member concerned. Only a court of law has the authority to order any action or payment in connection with a complaint. The Association does not have the authority to order a refund or part refund of any payments made relating to the complaint.
Nevertheless, a genuine effort will be made to deal with the problem and achieve a satisfactory solution.
The Association cannot prohibit free speech and it should be recognised that members are entitled to express their own honestly held opinions, subject to the Code of Conduct.
Most complaints can be resolved by good communication.
- Communicate with the member concerned. If this does not resolve the complaint then:
- Put your grievance in writing to the Chief Executive
- A copy of your letter will be sent to the member concerned asking for their comment
- All correspondence will then be considered by the Investigating Officer and Chief Executive and subsequently by the Executive Board if considered appropriate
- Appropriate action will be taken / recommendations made
Complaints about the Association itself
If you have a complaint against the Association itself, please try to speak to the person you have been dealing with, who should be able to help you to resolve the issue.
If you are still unhappy, please contact our Operations Manager to have your complaint investigated further. We aim to respond within five working days and to have investigated the complaint within 20 working days.
Email: lorraine@bpca.org.uk
Lorraine Norton, Operations Manager
BPCA 4A Mallard Way Pride Park
DE24 8GX