BPCA news archive

09 October 2015

RSPH candidates first to achieve legally required qualification under rodenticide stewardship scheme

Candidates from Rentokil taking the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) Level 2 Award in the Safe Use of Rodenticides became the first cohort to achieve a qualification that complies with the Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticide (SGAR) stewardship scheme.

New legislation due to come into effect in 2016 will make it illegal to professionally use and buy certain rodenticides (such as bromadiolone, difethialone, difenacoum and flocoumafen) without a qualification approved by the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use SGAR stewardship scheme, such as the RSPH rodenticides qualification. SGARs are widely used to treat rodent infestation, so the new legislation will have a huge impact on both pest controllers and those in the farming and land management industries.

The RSPH qualification guides the learner through the biology and behaviour of rodents, the assessment procedures for a site prior to using SGARs and the requirements for health and safety and record keeping when carrying out rodent management activities. It can be completed in one day with candidates assessed by a multiple choice examination.

Dr Richard Burton, Head of Qualifications at RSPH, said of the news: "I'm thrilled for the Rentokil cohort that they are now the first people in the country to hold a SGAR stewardship scheme approved qualification. It is vital that pest controllers and farming professionals take action to secure this qualification in order to avoid having an essential professional resource restricted."

David Cross, Head of the Rentokil Technical Training Academy, added: "The stewardship scheme sets out to ensure that effective rodent control can be carried out by all users, while ensuring that the exposure of all non-target animals, including wildlife, is kept to an absolute minimum. The RSPH award demonstrates that people who have been successful in the qualification understand the risks associated with these products and ultimately help reduce incidences of non-target contamination."

RSPH expects a surge in candidates for this qualification as the effective date of the legislation approaches, so it is highly recommended that pest, land management and farming professionals register to take the qualification well in advance. To find out how to get qualified and the training BPCA offers, visit our Using Rodenticides Safely course page.

Source: BPCA.org.uk