BPCA news archive

15 June 2015

Pressure mounts on SGAR abusers

A recent case in Scotland saw not only a prosecution for the individual but also his employer when a wild bird was found to have been poisoned. A landowner was fined £675 after pleading guilty to being vicariously liable for his employee's crime of poisoning a wild bird.

This was the first prosecution under section 18A of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (which came into force in Scotland on 1 January 2012). His employee had previously been fined a total of £4,450 at Stranraer Sheriff Court on 18 June 2013 after admitting four contraventions of the Wildlife and Countryside Act including possessing the pesticides alphachloralose, carbofuran and strychnine and poisoning a buzzard in December 2012.

Source: BPCA.org.uk