Just as in the past you may have been asked to buy cigarettes or alcohol for someone younger who has “forgotten their ID”, some pest controllers are reporting they are being asked to supply professional use rodenticides to their customers, neighbours and local landowners.

This is usually because less regulated supply routes have disappeared as a consequence of the strict Point of Sale limitations now in place. We remind PPC readers that since 1 October 2016 the supply of rodenticides is regulated under the UK Stewardship Regime, and all professional use rodenticides with stewardship conditions attached to them can only be supplied to professional users holding certification demonstrating compliance with the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime.
If you supply products to a third party you are covered by this Regulation and must ensure you are only selling to those authorised to use the products. You must also complete a supply chain compliance declaration. Failure to adhere to the requirements above, and failure to demonstrate compliance when reasonably required, may result in the withdrawal of supply of rodenticide products with stewardship conditions, which will mean you are unable to use rodenticides in your business. Breach of the Regulations may also be an offence under the Biocidal Products Regulations.
If you hear of companies or individuals trying to buy rodenticides without meeting the relevant criteria, CRRU has produced a handy one-page ‘Point of Sale’ flyer which is available from their website. If you hear of people or companies attempting to sell products without carrying out the necessary checks, please notify both CRRU and the authorisation holder of the product(s) concerned with full details of the incident.
One final note; if we allow people to ‘get around’ stewardship, we may face the loss or severe restriction of rodenticides in the future, impacting on every business.
Simon Forrester
Chief Executive
27 January 2017 | PPC86
Source: PPC86