11 August 2016

BPCA to exhibit at CropTec

BPCA has this week confirmed its attendance at CropTec 2016 which claims to be the essential event for arable and mixed farmers, their advisers and associated industries.

Taking place at the East of England Showground, Peterborough on the 29th and 30th November BPCA will demonstrate the importance of pest control, how to understand the subject and the positive impact the BPCA membership can have on pest issues in the arable sector.

BPCA has negotiated free entry for its members (pre-registration only) to attend CropTec 2016, which boasts the following programme:

- Seminars
20 leading speakers covering a wide range of technical cropping issues across four key areas; crop breeding, crop protection, crop nutrition and crop establishment.

- Exhibition halls
More than 100 exhibitors on hand to discuss a wide range of developments across the arable sector.

- Knowledge hubs
Grain marketing, storage, black-grass, spraying technology and business hubs feature short, sharp presentations delivering key takeaway messages.

- Sprayer demonstration area
Exclusive one-to-one opportunity to test-drive the latest sprayers in the market from leading manufacturers.

- Careers forum
Opportunity for students and others interested in a career in the arable industry to network and gain free advice from organisations, exhibitors and industry specialists.


CropTec 2016
Free attendance for BPCA members

Source: BPCA.org.uk