Members of BASIS PROMPT are to be canvassed for their views in the first survey of its kind.
The professional register is out to expand its role and increase its influence within the pest control sector as part of a move to deliver maximum value.
Chief Executive Stephen Jacob is keen to see the future of PROMPT led by members themselves and says the survey will be key.
He said: “We’re always thinking of ways to improve and deliver added benefits, but strong feedback from members will ensure we move forward in the right direction. We exist for their benefit, so we should do all we can to deliver a powerful and practical service that’s very much focused on the needs of its customers. The survey will give them the chance to tell us what we’re doing well, where we can improve and what more they’d like to see. By giving members and stakeholders a strong voice, and then listening to it, we can ensure we’re delivering precisely what they want from us.” The survey will be launched at PestEx in March but will remain available both digitally and in print for several months.
Being a part of a recognised CPD scheme such as BASIS PROMPT is a criteria of membership for BPCA Servicing Members. Let us know what you think about the Continuing Professional Development by contacting

Source: PPC86