This talk reviews recent scientific studies of cockroach behavioural responses when feeding and foraging, to enable professional pest managers to optimise their control programs.
11.00 - 11.45
Control of cockroaches using the fundamental elements of IPM (inspection-guided baiting) has been proven to significantly reduce cockroach populations, but correct placement and a sound understanding of cockroach foraging behaviour are paramount for success. Understanding how cockroaches adapt and behave allows us to improve bait placement techniques.
While the horizontal transfer of bait active from one cockroach to another is generally considered to play an important role in cockroach management, its relative importance in overall cockroach mortality is often misunderstood.

SPEAKER: Steve Broadbent, Regional Director for Australia, Ensystex
Steve has more than 40 years of industry experience, having commenced his career as a government Research Entomologist in the United Kingdom, before moving to Australia.
He has authored many peer-reviewed scientific papers, contributed technical book chapters and magazine articles and consulted on pest management issues for many major projects including the Australian Olympics Village, Turtle Sanctuaries in Malaysia, and with the National Parks and Wildlife Service and Charles Darwin Foundation in the World Heritage Galapagos Islands. He has also authored a best-selling book, Your Sacred Path.
This seminar is free for anyone attending PestEx.
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