Since the introduction of the Consumer Rights Act, businesses should have reviewed their terms and conditions, ‘the small print’ that they make domestic customers sign up to.

10:15 - 11.00
SPEAKER: David Quinton, Which?
A general test of fairness should have been applied to terms but far too many businesses have not done that and are using unfair Ts and Cs that are illegal and have a detrimental effect on the reputation of the business as well as potentially fuelling complaints.
All too often businesses are found to be using unfair terms that can be illegal and off-putting for the customer. Since 2015 it has got harder to know what you can and can't make your customers agree to. Get it wrong and you can find your contracts worthless and you could find yourself caught in a trap with the authorities and lawyers. Find out more on what the biggest common mistakes are during this session.
Dave has worked in trading standards for over 40 years. He has enforced a wide range of consumer protection legislation dealing with rogue traders and dodgy business practices along the way while also advising businesses on a range of compliance issues.
Five years ago he helped set up Which? Trusted traders, an endorsement scheme designed to put consumers in touch with reliable and responsible businesses. The scheme assesses traders to a high standard before they can carry the Which? branding and now has over 8,000 members.
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