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PPC LIVE: Lasers Live! NEW Avix Autonomic Gen II

PestFix will complete a live demonstration, while using Height for Hire’s 20m self-drive machine, of the new laser on the block. The Avix Autonomic Gen II is the latest permanent, humane method of bird control, with minimal environmental impact. 

Lasers live bird control laser domonstration at PPC Live 2020

Now featuring wireless connectivity, remote control,  a full 360° motor platform, adjustable laser power output and a collection of enhanced safety features. See first hand how simple an automated bird dispersal laser system is to install with the PestFix team.

Height for Hire's machine is mounted on a 3-tonne chassis and can be driven on a standard car licence allowing you to drive from Job 1 to Job 2, and maximise your time using just one hire.

Choosing the right machine to work at height not only keeps you safer, but gives you greater control of your working schedule, allowing you to plan and price your jobs more efficiently, and to cover a wider geographical area.


Presented by: Dan England from PestFix and Fergus McArdle and Matthew Sarling from Height for Hire

This Seminar is held at PPC Live and is completely free to attend.

