Ever wanted to know what people look for in tenders? Do you qualify for this work? Can SMEs bid for a tender? What is this minefield of questions are actually looking for?

15.15 - 15:45
Kevin Higgins, BPCA
Dee Ward-Thompson, BPCA
Richard Harris, Harris Associates
Between Kevin and Dee, they’ve supported hundreds of pest management companies with their Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and to apply for tenders. This presentation will help guide you through the tendering process, give you tips on what they are looking for and outline some of the pitfalls.
Kevin and Dee will be giving a sneak peek of a huge project they’ve been working on regarding the future of how end-users might approach the pest management tendering process.
This talk is for:
- Companies of any size that want to start bidding on tenders to learn about the process
- Companies already bidding for tenders to win more
- Anyone who wants to better understand how SLAs work and how to put them together
- End-users thinking about what should be in their pest control specification documents.
This seminar is free for anyone attending PestEx.
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