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How do you know your pest control contractor is fit for the fight?

British Pest Control Association is the premier trade association for professional pest management companies in the UK.

By choosing an audited BPCA member you can be assured that the services you receive are from a trained and trusted company that meets our strict membership criteria.

Our member companies meet or exceed all pest management ‘due diligence’ requirements and comply with the most current legislation.

No other UK pest management trade body gives you this security.

Make sure you stay safe.

Select a BPCA Member every time.

Protected-professionally BPCA Members

BPCA-member-logo-400-400What does the BPCA Member logo mean?

To be a BPCA Member, a pest management company must:

  • Undergo regular audits against the British Standard EN16636 for pest management
  • Abide by our strict industry Codes of Best Practice
  • Provide detailed advice on pest prevention measures 
  • Perform a survey before starting work or providing a final quote
  • Have at least £2 million public and products liability insurance
  • Protect staff, customers and members of the public through risk and COSHH assessments
  • Only employ technicians who meet or exceed the industry standard qualifications

Protected-professionally BPCA Members

What does being BS EN 16636 audited mean?

Having passed a BS EN16636 audit means a pest control company:

  • Is part of the first common standard for pest management operators
  • Has been measured against a European benchmark for pest management
  • Is independently assessed by a third-party body 
  • Is working to an internationally recognised, professional standard
  • Is regularly assessed to the standard on an 18-month cycle.