This leaflet will cover:
Why we control bed bugs
General information about bed bugs
Signs of a bed bug infestation
Professional bed bug control

This leaflet will cover:
Why we control birds
Bird control licences
Signs of a bird problem
Discouraging and preventing bird problems
Professional bird control

This leaflet will cover:
General information about Cockroaches
Why control Cockroaches?
Signs of Cockroach infestation
Cockroach prevention

This leaflet will cover:
General information about Fleas
Why control Fleas?
Signs of Flea infestation
Flea prevention

This leaflet will cover:
General information about Mice
Why control Mice?
Signs of mouse activity
Mice prevention
How to get rid of mice?

This leaflet will cover:
General information about Moths
Why control Moths?
Signs of moth activity
Moth prevention
How to get rid of moths?

This leaflet will cover:
General Rat information
Why control Rats?
Rat prevention
How to get rid of Rats?

This leaflet will cover:
General SPI information
Why control SPIs?
SPI prevention
How to get rid of SPIs?

This leaflet will cover:
General information about Squirrels
Why control Squirrels?
Signs of Squirrel infestation
Squirrel prevention
Download the Squirrel advice leaflet

This leaflet will cover:
General wasp information
Why control wasps?
Wasp prevention
How to get rid of wasps?

This leaflet is an identification guide for all things stripey and includes general information on the appearance and behaviour of:
Pest wasps/Non-pest wasps
10 species of bee

You need pest control
A useful leaflet for explaining the importance of pest control to potential customers and why they should hire you as a BPCA member. This can also be customised and downloaded on the BPCA PrintShop (login required).
Can't see the advice you need here? Check our A-Z of Pests or find one of our Servicing Members now.