The programme was excellent. The great resources and excellent delivery by the tutors really put the fun back into learning for me. The tutors put everyone in the team at ease and built our confidence in what can sometimes be a daunting situation. There was fantastic teamwork and support from everyone involved.
April Pearson, Shetland Islands Council
The course was excellent and I thought the information provided throughout was first class.
David Stainton, Xeric Systems
An amazing learning experience which I feel fortunate to have taken part in. Such an intelligent and psychologically subtle way to be encouraged to absorb information.
Peter Antrobus, Hill Farm Pest Control
The course last week was excellent, and the tutor was very good. I look forward to receiving the results
John R Corsan , Wessex Agri
Thank you to all that helped me last week, you were fantastic and made a great team. In particular, I liked the training methods of the tutors. Now, to the exam!
Ian Boxall, self-employed