As the principal trade association for public health pest control in the UK, BPCA supports academic institutions with research projects.
BPCA has several potential student projects that will benefit students and our members.
BPCA can offer students doing a relevant project listed in the above documents related to public health pest control with:
- Access to fieldwork through 550 member companies
- Access to over 5,000 technicians doing public health pest control
- Access to a wider mailing list of 10,000+
- Mentor support by senior representatives from member companies.
Additionally, we can offer:
- Talks/lectures on public health pest control
- Work experience placements with member companies
- Exciting career opportunities for graduates.
Rodent research projects
(1) Wood mice
How prevalent are Wood Mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) in domestic and commercial premises in the UK.
(2) House mouse behaviour
The literature review of behavioural resistance in the House Mouse (Mus domesticus) focuses on pre-2000 studies. A more up to date review is required.
(3) Bittrex
The palatability of “Bittrex” in rodent populations in target rodents and non-target rodents.
(4) Decomposition of a house mouse
A visual guide to the decomposition of House Mice (Mus domesticus) at different temperatures and humidities with an objective to provide pest controllers with a visual guide to help gauge the time of death.
(5) Trap avoidance
Trap avoidance in (rodents) brown rats (Rattus norvegicus), wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus), and house mice (Mus domesticus) using motion detection cameras to determine behaviour around snap traps.
(7) Avoiding plastics
The role of plastics in behavioural resistance in urban house mice (Mus domesticus). Comparison with new boxes and ‘aged’ boxes.
Also see Roger Quy’s work: Quy R.J. (2011) Review of the use of bait boxes during operations to control Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus – a report to CIEH. Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH), London, UK. 11 pp. Available from: (MA) and A Review of the Current Knowledge of Rodent Behaviour in Relation to Control Devices March 2006 Science for Conservation 263(263) B Kay Claperton. (MA) - validation study.
(8) Mapping house mice
Determining the geographical distribution of behavioural resistance in house mice (Mus domesticus).
(9) UK glue boards
A review of glue board usage by professional pest controllers in Britain.
(10) Banning glue boards
What impact has the ban on rodent glue board use in Wales had?
(11) The label is the law
The impact of the label restrictions on the ability to control internal rodents demonstrating behavioural resistance, with a particular focus on the Impacts of Tamper-Resistant Box designs on engagement (both box and bait) and persistence within the box.
(12) Assessing environmental risk
Establishing quantifiable risk associated with different baiting application methods, including burrow baiting / sheltered locations/bait boxes from the label.
(13) The cost of urban rats
The economic impact of rodents in selected urban areas (a more specific industry to be chosen, e.g. garden centres, letting agencies, restaurants, bakeries…) (Diagne C, Ballesteros-Mejia L, Cuthbert RN, Bodey TW, Fantle-Lepczyk J, Angulo E, Bang A, Dobigny G, Courchamp F. 2023. Economic costs of invasive rodents worldwide: the tip of the iceberg. PeerJ 11:e14935).
(14) Zoonosis
Disease dynamics or transmission routes from rodents to humans, wildlife and livestock.
(15) Conservation and pest management
Impact of rodent populations on wildlife conservation projects, with a focus on the impact of large rat populations on local wildlife. Literature review? (RSPB) Impact on urban wildlife?
(16) Nibble blocks
Field evaluation of the efficacy of nibble blocks (various) vs food baits in detecting wild rodent populations?
(17) Qualified pest professionals
What do pest controllers know? A study reviewing pest professionals' knowledge five years after passing their RSPH Level 2 Award in Pest management qualification.
(18) Rodent repellents
The efficacy of rodent repellents, including ultrasonics and sprays.
(19) Breakback traps
Are all breakback traps the same? A review of the power of mouse and rat traps.
(20) Rodent suffering
Do rodents suffer in the wild? Is death on a trap different from this?
(21) Suffering from environmental management
The welfare issues created by environmental management, eg, removal of nests/nesting material/food/protective cover, proofing, etc. How does this compare to the measurements of welfare impact in data published by Baker et al. 2021/22?
(22) Trapping tactics
Trap placement and its impact on trapping efficacy: Open vs. boxed traps. Position of trap on wall-floor junction.
(23) The cost to society
What is the cost to the UK economy of rodents (mice / brown rats) - a desk-based study looking at trying to put a financial figure on rodents in the UK?
(24) Infestation frequency
Are rodent infestations getting more common? the number of food establishments in the UK having improvement notices from EHO’s. A review since 2000.
(25) Rodents in the media
Rodents and social media/media. A desk-based study looking at how much interest is paid to various different social media stories.
(26) Yellow Necked Field Mouse
The Yellow Necked Field Mouse - a review of the species and its biology and behaviour.
(27) Product analysis
Study the volume of rodent control products sold in the UK over the last 10 years. Have interventions change sales, etc. / check active ingredients vs. locations of resistance.
(28) Glue board ban in Wales – the economic impact
The economic cost associated with the loss of rodent glue board treatments (Wales): Are customers going to pay more now that glue boards are changing?
(29) The cost of rodents in food sites
The financial impact of low/medium /high rodent infestations in food production sites (direct cost/indirect cost).
(30) Ship rats
The Black Rat (Rattus rattus) current population and behaviours with a focus on UK ports.
Insect research projects
(1) Bed bugs resistance
Understanding more about the current level of resistance to field strains of Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) to a range of synthetic pyrethroid preparations.
This would lay the foundation for another more comprehensive study detailing the frequency of resistance mechanisms. Together, these studies would indicate the pest management sector's ability to effectively manage bedbugs using chemical interventions and whether a more concerted push should be made to use alternative chemical interventions.
(2) Resistance numbers
Create a list of resistance (R) numbers to a range of field strains of invertebrates perhaps from different cities across the UK. Consider:
- Cockroaches - German cockroaches (Blattella germanica)
- Fleas
- Flour Beetles
- Trogoderma granarium
- Ephestia (sp).
(3) Dirty pests
How dirty are the invertebrates in our houses? An investigation into the disease loading of common insects in people's houses and their impact on the mechanical transfer of pathogens.
This study would look at swabbing insects for pathogens including but not limited to silverfish, bed bugs, booklice, harlequin ladybirds, Dermestes beetle, spider beetles, moth larvae and Flour Beetles (Tribolium spp), and cockroaches. It would look at the mechanism of vectoring and provide an updated view on pathogen transfer in 2024.
(4) Food product recalls
Product recalls due to pest activity—have these changed over the years? How much does it cost to recall a product? How much does it cost for the Food Standards Agency/Local Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) to shut down the premises, including the issue of improvement/enforcement notices?
(5) Pests at sea
The prevalence and impact of Invertebrates on boats (all of them or any) and the challenges in their control.
This project would specifically examine a very niche but perhaps overlooked area of pest management. It may involve examining the damage to the boat itself, its cargo, and the people on the boat and perhaps investigating the impact these insects have and some of the challenges in providing pest management in this sector.
Future research could be expanded to include trains, buses and aeroplanes.
(6) Pest identification
Does identification matter? How accurate does our identification need to be when we are drawing up practical treatment plans?
This is a review of which species we can “group” together. Is it okay to group the booklice together in the Psocoptera order? Does it matter if it’s a merchant, saw-toothed grain beetle, firebrat, or silverfish, for example?
(7) Importing pest problems
Are we buying future pest problems? With the increase in tropical pests, what potential impact could this have on the pest fauna of the UK? Could we be dealing with Dubia cockroaches in the future? Are there any tropical species that could be established in Britain?
This research could cover ants, cockroaches, crickets, spiders, and assassin bugs.
(8) The favoured foods of ants
A study into the food preferences of ants at different stages of colony development. The research could cover Garden Ants (Lasius niger), Pharaoh's Ants (Monomorium sp) or other tropical ants.
This would help pest professionals with formulation selection, support inspections, and generate recommendations for clients. It may also help to understand more about the colony's stage.
(9) Stung twice
What are the factors that influence the likelihood of pest professionals being stung by social wasps? How often do pest controllers get stung?
A project investigating wasp and human interactions. Which factors cause a change in the defence behaviour of wasp species in the UK during the treatment of nests? Are there any triggering chemicals on our PPE or kit? Do particular colours provoke a response? Does a build-up of alarm pheromones on our suits affect the aggressiveness of wasps?
(10) Bendiocarb withdrawal
What impact has the withdrawal of Bendiocarb had on urban wasp control?
An investigation into the impact on the efficacy of treatments: are we now using more chemicals, more visits, and more energy to control wasps? Is this having more of a negative impact? What is the risk to the public? Are wasps’ nests being active for longer, and what is the impact on pest controllers? Has our risk of being harmed increased?
(11) Ants on a map
What is the prevalence of non-Lasius niger species within domestic and commercial properties? Looking at the spread of other Lasius species, including L. neglectus, L. brunneus and L. fuliginosus.
Pest professionals could collect samples for identification and mapping across the UK.
(12) Brown ant behaviour
Literature review on the biology and behaviours of the Brown ant Lasius brunneus and its implications on control. At present, there seems little information about this species in general, but particularly in the UK.
(13) Fly development
Development times of pest species of fly insect’s dependent on temperature (or other environmental factors).
Literature review and possible additions to this through lab work. Do flies still develop the same way as the literature says? Develop a simple-to-use app that pest controllers can use in the field. Enter species temperature and humidity, and facts appear.
(14) Forensics of a dead rat
Can we time rat death by looking at the larvae in the same way we do with human bodies?
The purpose of this would be to replicate the work undertaken on similar agricultural insect species, such as the coddling moth. If a technician knows the average range of T over a given time through data logging, then the emergence of pest insects can be reliably predicted, leading to better housekeeping protocols and more effective treatment programs.
(15) Pretty lights
The attractiveness of different wavelengths of light (visible/UVA): An independent review should include the attractiveness of UVA vs LED lights.
Independent reviews of UVA and LED units using different species.
(16) Flies in food production
Larval development times (by instar) of common food production fly species (Fannia canicularis, Musca domestica, Psychodidae, Drosophila spp. Phoridae) at varying food production temperatures to help produce a guide/resource to help predict length of activity.
(17) Returning clusters
Why do Cluster flies come back to the same spot? Do pheromones or visuals play a role in this?
(18) Lights on or off?
Does having the lights on affect cockroach control and movement? Does this affect the diurnal cycles? Current research indicates that the cycle moves away from the 24-hour cycle. The implication would be that peak activity rotates around the clock, so ‘night’ never exists, and night inspections become less valuable.
24-hour factory - there is no night? What effect does a 24-hour factory have on cockroach behaviour? When is the peak activity going to be, and what is the best time to do a visit? When is a night for the night visit? How much does human movement affect cockroaches?
(19) Travel patterns
How far do cockroaches travel? What is the mobility range of males/females/nymph-females with ootheca? How far do German cockroaches travel to drop their ootheca?
(20) Cockroach resistances
Resistance of cockroaches to insecticides. Testing both wild-type and laboratory strains. Look at developing a procedure that pest controllers can practically use in the field.
(21) Unusual roaches
The prevalence of non-“classic cockroach” species such as red runners, Turkestan, Asian cockroach and Dubia roaches in the UK.
The work would invite pest controllers to submit samples of all cockroaches captured for correct identification. The hope would be that samples of cockroaches are sent, and we get a better understanding of any non-German/ oriental cockroaches.
(22) Distribution patterns
Ectobius cockroach distribution across the UK. Providing a better understanding of the range, biology and behaviours of this genus for pest controllers.
It seems that the range and frequency of this species is expanding.
(23) Where do cockroaches come from?
German cockroaches' route of entry to factories/supermarkets. Increase in populations in domestic housing - is this increase in food factories linked to home activity? - agencies / overseas workers. Does social housing affect the food factory cockroach population?
Coleoptera / Lepidoptera
(24) Predicting SPIs
The influence of the variance of temperature on population dynamics in species of Stored Product Insects (eg Mill Moth Cigarette beetle). Can this be modelled and predicted? Literature review and creation of an app.
(25) How light affects Coleoptera
The attractiveness of different wavelengths of light (visible/UVA/ LED) to a range of Coleoptera (biscuit beetles, cigarettes, warehouse beetles) – is there a light trap for SPI beetle development?
(26) Economic impact of textile moths
How much have textile moths cost us culturally? What is their impact on museums? How much carpet does a moth larvae eat in a day, and what are their food preferences? Carpet/clothes / stuffed animals / most at-risk carpet length of pile?
(27) Pale Backed Clothes moth
How far has the European Pale Backed Clothes moth spread in domestic properties? Build on work undertaken by Heritage sector
(28) UVA light and House moths
The attractiveness of UVA light to House moths (Family Oecophoridae) are these a reliable monitor for these moth species?
(29) Fleas at home
What species of fleas are present in people's houses? Is it just Ctenocephalides spp., or are others present, such as bird or rat fleas?
(30) Resistance in fleas
Developing an in-field method to test fleas for pesticide resistance.
(31) Fleas and heat
Are steam treatments an effective way to treat flea populations? What is the current trend of pest controllers using this method? What impact would a move to steam treatment have on the commercial aspects of pest management? Do we have the skills to use steamers in the industry? What do we as an industry need to do to upskill
(32) Flea preparation
How important is flea treatment preparation?
(33) Bed bug prevalence
Has there been an increase in bed bugs in the UK? Councils could do an assessment based on different cities—London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Cardiff, Liverpool, Bristol—in different socio-economic groups. Other more limited centres of population could be considered e.g University accommodations.
(34) Distribution data
What is the distribution of grey silverfish in the UK? What are the differences in behaviour and biology? Does it matter what species of Zygentoma there are?
(35) Understanding conditions
Does changing humidity and temperature alone control silverfish in the real world?
(36) Tolerated pests
Do people care about silverfish? What are the top ten most tolerated “pest” species?
(37) Bothered by booklice
What issues can they cause? Literature review and case studies from pest controllers.
(38) Non-chemical treatments
Do we need chemicals to control fungal-feeding insects? Will cleaning alone remove these pests? Could fungicidal treatments control these pests by removing their food source?
(39) Hearing crickets?
Are these still a pest species? How many treatments per year do pest controllers do for this pest?