BPCA has had reports of auditors asking pest professionals for Pa1 Pa6 pesticide training certificates.

The use of insecticides for public health pests does not require the user to have Pa1 Pa6 pesticide training and therefore a NRoSO certificate for plant protection pesticides is not required.
While Pa1 Pa6 pesticide training is often an essential requirement for working in the horticulture and amenity industries, it is not specified for pesticide use for the control and management of public health pests.
What if an auditor doesn’t believe me?
BPCA has produced a letter for BPCA members to give to their auditors.
It’s written by BPCA’s technical manager and can be printed or emailed to your auditor.
It explains that Pa1 Pa6 pesticide training and an NRoSO certificate is not required for public health pest professionals.
It also offers for auditors to confirm this by checking with BPCA.
You can download this new document from the BPCA member area.
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What training should you have for pesticide usage?
BPCA members are required to have all their staff responsible for the control and management of public health species:
- Qualified to the Level 2 Award in Pest Management standard or above
- Be compliant on a relevant continuing professional development (CPD) scheme.
This qualification and commitment to CPD cover the use of insecticide for the control of public health pests.