BPCA news archive

15 June 2015

What happened at Fumicon 2015

Set in the historic Suffolk Port of Felixstowe, the fumigation conference returned in 2015 in the guise of Fumicon, proving to be a huge success with experts delivering a variety of seminars.

15 June 2015

Pressure mounts on SGAR abusers

A recent case in Scotland saw not only a prosecution for the individual but also his employer when a wild bird was found to have been poisoned

12 June 2015

Pestokill acquires North London Pest Control outfit

BPCA Member Pestokill has bought North London-based Xpel for an undisclosed sum.

09 June 2015

CRRU-approved certifications for purchase and use of professional rodenticide products

The CRRU Training and Certification Work Group (T&C WG) has recently published a list of the approved certifications for proof of competence for purchase and use of professional packs of rodenticides.

19 May 2015

Russell IPM Foundation celebrates £100,000 for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research

Local business Russell IPM held a celebration day on Friday to announce that they had successfully reached their £100,000 target for Leukaemia and Lymphoma research.

11 May 2015

PelGar International announcing acquisition

PelGar International is delighted to announce the acquisition of pesticide manufacturing company Agropharm Ltd.

23 April 2015

New Technical Manager for BPCA

Dee Ward-Thompson joined the BPCA team in April 2015 from member company OCS Cannon, where she'd been their UK Technical Manager since 2008.

23 April 2015

Spending cuts could spark plague of pests

Government spending cuts could spark an explosion in the UK pest population, it has been claimed.

18 March 2015

CRRU launches Code of Best Practice for Rodent Control and Safe Use of Rodenticides

The Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) has launched the document that forms the heart of the stewardship campaign around SGARs.

18 March 2015

European initiative to promote standards in pest control

The launch of a new industry standard will create a unique benchmark for pest controllers has been hailed as a positive step.

17 March 2015

PestEx 2015: Unmissable Again!

Once again this year's PestEx, held 25-26 March in London smashed all previous records, and proved to be a huge draw. The perfect combination of exhibitors and seminars brought in a whopping 17% more people over the two days compared to 2013.

02 December 2014

BPCA break member referral record for the second year running!

Referrals are just one of the key ways BPCA delivers value for its members. Over the last few years BPCA have given out tens of thousands of consumer referrals, each being provided with the contact details of their closest BPCA members.

12 November 2014

Disposal of rodent carcasses and other waste

BPCA Members are well aware of the potential difficulties surrounding disposal of waste in general and rodent carcases in particular.

10 November 2014

PestEx 2015 set to be the biggest ever UK pest control exhibition!

Due to a high demand at PestEx 2015, BPCA has had to create extra stand space to meet the demand for the much-anticipated show taking place in London on the 25 and 26 March 2015.

03 November 2014

NPMA award for Fryatt

During NPMA's PestWorld International Reception, Univar Director Latin America Benjamin Gomez recognised three industry leaders.

17 September 2014

Natural England Board determines outcome of General Licences Consultation

Over recent months Natural England has held a wide-ranging consultation to seek views on potential adjustments to General Licences for protected species which are periodically reviewed.

17 September 2014

PestEx 2015 – Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger!

Following a complete sell-out in 2013, we have made room for additional stands at PestEx 2015.

14 July 2014

BPCA Member Justin Holloway stars in BBC 1 production

Over the past 12 months BPCA have been supporting Lion TV working for BBC1, in their production ‘How Safe is Your House?'

25 June 2014

Message from BPCA President

Martin Harvey of Harvey Environmental Services looks back at the Association's successes during 2014, and forward to the year ahead.

23 May 2014

PPC Live 2014: a great success!

BPCA's new PPC Live event was a huge success with delegates and exhibitors alike.

13 May 2014

WIIS investigate rogue pest controllers

The Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme (WIIS) and its counterpart in Scotland (WIIS - Scotland) are involved in wildlife crime investigations as illustrated by the following two case studies.

24 February 2014

BPCA wins European Association of the Year

The British Pest Control Association has won the prestigious ‘Association of the Year' Award from the Confederation of European Pest Management Associations (CEPA). T

16 January 2014

Waste Carrier Registration – this affects you!

Any companies removing waste from sites (even small amounts of spent bait, UV tubes or packaging) must register with the Government.

20 December 2013

Rentokil buys pest control division of Green Compliance for £4m

Rentokil Initial is to buy the pest control division of Green Compliance. Rentokil is paying a total of £4m in cash for the company.

25 November 2013

BPCA gives out 43,507 referrals to members in 2013

From 1 January until 31 December 2013, 43,507 company details have been passed on to the public for both domestic and commercial jobs.