BPCA news archive

05 November 2015

Trade body boost for food bank charity

Food banks around the UK are to be given a free pest survey as part of a new nationwide initiative.

30 October 2015

BPCA Members win Swale Business of the Year 2015

BPCA members, Bird and Pest Solutions were very proud and excited to be awarded Swale Business of the Year 2015 on Friday 9 October at a gala event.

29 October 2015

Dip I accepted by CRRU

For anyone who wishes to purchase or use professional use rodenticides from next year, a number of existing training certificates were grandfathered by CRRU including the BPC Diploma Part 1 from 1998 - 2004.

09 October 2015

RSPH candidates first to achieve legally required qualification under rodenticide stewardship scheme

Candidates from Rentokil taking the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) Level 2 Award in the Safe Use of Rodenticides became the first cohort to achieve a qualification that complies with the Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticide (SGAR) stew

06 October 2015

Killgerm announce appointment of new Managing Director

Killgerm Group are pleased to announce the appointment of Maria Teresa Carrascosa as the new Managing Director designate for Killgerm Spain.

25 September 2015

Update from the Pest Management Alliance: Rodenticide Stewardship and the Professional Pest Management Sector

Two years ago manufacturers and users of anticoagulant rodenticides were presented with a clear choice; ensure stewardship of these products or potentially lose their use. The members of the Pest Management Alliance were consulted by HSE/CRRU as part

12 August 2015

New course creates surge of interest

Gamekeepers wishing to continue using the products after the deadline will need relevant credentials and one-day courses that lead to official certification, awarded by BASIS Registration Ltd, have attracted a surge of interest

12 August 2015

Rodenticide stewardship's complex timelines clarified

Complex overlapping timelines in the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime have been published in graphical format by the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU).

07 August 2015

Fire at PelGar hits the news

As reported by both the BBC and ITV local news Hampshire Fire and Rescue were called out to attend a fire at PelGar International Ltd. head office at 4.55am on the 5 August. The fire was quickly put out and the premises cordoned off for investigation

05 August 2015

Barrettine Environmental Health (BEH) move to a Brand New Purpose Built Distribution Unit

Barrettine Environmental Health (BEH) are delighted to announce that they have recently moved to a brand new purpose built distribution unit in Bristol.

24 July 2015

New law on pest control puts farmers under pressure

Farmers are facing a race against time to comply with strict new rules on specialist pesticides.

20 July 2015

New online platform has string of benefits for pest control industry and beyond

The new-look BASIS PROMPT website features a facility for technicians to sign up online.

14 July 2015

Baiting operations concluded on South Georgia as plans get underway for long-term monitoring

Hopes that globally important seabird sanctuary is now free of rats for first time in two centuries

14 July 2015

Dr. Jacqueline Applegate to head Environmental Science at Bayer CropScience

Longtime Bayer Executive Dr Jacqueline Applegate will become Head of Environmental Science, the non-agricultural business operations unit of Bayer CropScience.

10 July 2015

BPCA Joins British Cleaning Council

In July BPCA became the latest member of the British Cleaning Council (BCC), a federation of over 20 associations dedicated to raising the profile of the industry and helping it gain the credibility it deserves.

02 July 2015

Councils must point to professionals on pest control

Local authorities are being urged to ensure cuts to pest control services don't create a risk to public health.

19 June 2015

And the first CEPA Certified operator is...

...the German Pest Control Provider named Treuer GmbH. After the CEPA Certification system was launched in March 2015, Treuer has been quick to implement the EN 16636 standard and is now the first operator officially certified.

15 June 2015

What happened at Fumicon 2015

Set in the historic Suffolk Port of Felixstowe, the fumigation conference returned in 2015 in the guise of Fumicon, proving to be a huge success with experts delivering a variety of seminars.

15 June 2015

Pressure mounts on SGAR abusers

A recent case in Scotland saw not only a prosecution for the individual but also his employer when a wild bird was found to have been poisoned

12 June 2015

Pestokill acquires North London Pest Control outfit

BPCA Member Pestokill has bought North London-based Xpel for an undisclosed sum.

09 June 2015

CRRU-approved certifications for purchase and use of professional rodenticide products

The CRRU Training and Certification Work Group (T&C WG) has recently published a list of the approved certifications for proof of competence for purchase and use of professional packs of rodenticides.

19 May 2015

Russell IPM Foundation celebrates £100,000 for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research

Local business Russell IPM held a celebration day on Friday to announce that they had successfully reached their £100,000 target for Leukaemia and Lymphoma research.

11 May 2015

PelGar International announcing acquisition

PelGar International is delighted to announce the acquisition of pesticide manufacturing company Agropharm Ltd.

23 April 2015

New Technical Manager for BPCA

Dee Ward-Thompson joined the BPCA team in April 2015 from member company OCS Cannon, where she'd been their UK Technical Manager since 2008.

23 April 2015

Spending cuts could spark plague of pests

Government spending cuts could spark an explosion in the UK pest population, it has been claimed.