08 October 2018

Dare you enter the House of Pests?

Press release | PestAware

The trade body for pest management in the UK has created an online experience where you can step into the shoes of a pest control technician and discover household pests in a virtual home.

The new, interactive, online tool lets anyone investigate a typical British home and find the pests that might lurk there.

You take the role of a pest controller, investigating public health pest invasions throughout the home, learning about the pest species you’re likely to encounter in real life on the way.

House of Pests

Enter the house of pests

Developed by the British Pest Control Association (BPCA), the House of Pests has the latest domestic pest advice build into the application.

After what has been a remarkable year for pests, UK homeowners have never been more aware of the pest management industry.

Ian Andrew, BPCA Chief Exec, said:

“With BPCA members generally reporting a rise in home invading pests, the House of Pests has been designed to educate everyone about what species they might be sharing their homes with.

“The tool is free and accessible to everyone. A little bit of knowledge can go a long way. Hopefully, the tool will empower people to get professional help as soon as they detect a problem, rather than when an infestation is fully established.”

The tool sits in the already popular public advice areas of the BPCA website alongside the A to Z of pests, Find a pest controller directory and PestAware blog.

Dee Ward-Thompson, BPCA Technical Manager, said:

“Particular rooms in the House of Pests present more activity than others.

“For example, the kitchen and utility have food, water and greater access, than say a bedroom. But there’s plenty of surprises elsewhere in the house. What’s in the dark attic or your children's playroom?

“Although it’s unlikely a single house would have as many pests in it as ours, we wanted to showcase all the pests you’re likely to come across.

“The interactive elements give you an idea of what having a proper pest survey and the advice of a professional pest controller feels like.”

The House of Pests is available to use on the BPCA website and works on mobile devices and desktops.

Enter the house of pests

Source: Online

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