20 April 2020

Surge in pest activity in Covid-19 shutdown


British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is keeping a watching brief on pest issues after a survey revealed a significant spike in rat and mice activity in the Covid-19 pandemic.

56 Press release increase in pest activity

51% of pest professionals polled by BPCA have reported an increase in rat activity, while 41% reported an increase in mice activity during the timeline of restrictions.

According to BPCA, empty buildings, deserted streets and reduced footfall provide an ideal opportunity for rodents to thrive across the UK, with rats and mice seemingly becoming bolder, braver and more innovative in finding food and shelter in the shutdown.

Natalie Bungay, BPCA Technical Officer, said: “We’ve had reports of rats and mice infesting empty buildings and it seems their lifestyle patterns are changing.

“Rats in particular are also becoming more visible in areas of population.

“With less footfall across cities and towns there is less associated food waste being left in bins and on the floor.

“As a result, rat populations are likely to move further afield to satisfy their need for a food source and this, in turn, is likely to cause more sightings.

“By nature, rats will also try to avoid humans directly and so, with less of us walking the streets, they may be getting a little bolder and possibly be seen in areas they normally wouldn’t.”

Members of the BPCA are working behind the scenes to ensure the situation is managed.

Natalie Bungay added: “In these unprecedented times, we need to ensure that effective pest management is implemented.

“During the shutdown, as designated key workers, the professional pest management sector is working hard to protect homes, as well as key areas including healthcare environments such as hospitals, the food manufacturing industry, and farms too.

“Empty buildings also need to be managed.

“Rodents and many other pests carry and transmit diseases and can breed at an alarming rate if left unattended.

“They contaminate food, ruin stock and can even cause fires and floods with their gnawing.

“Pro-active pest management is the only way we can manage the risks to public health and safety.”

BPCA members are trained, qualified and audited to the British Standard in Pest Management BS EN 16636.


You can search for an audited, qualified and trusted member of the BPCA on our website.


Source: Online

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