BPCA is the UK pest management association for the public health pest control industry.
We're a not-for-profit organisation acting in the interests of our members and on behalf of the pest management industry in the UK.
What is BPCA's role?
The provision of pest management and control services is an area which is often overlooked, however inadequate pest control can often have catastrophic effects economically, socially and on the public's health. BPCA promotes the highest standards of professionalism within the industry, allowing only organisations that prove their competence to join as members.
It's our role to:
- Highlight the risks of inadequate control
- Offer guidance in what to look for when searching for a pest control contractor
- Provide general pest advice and guidance documentation
- Provide advice on how to select an appropriate pest control professional.
Find a BPCA pest controller

Why use a BPCA member?
BPCA Codes of Best Practice outline the responsibilities and correct practices that members are expected to adhere to. Our Codes are subject to regular review by the BPCA Servicing Committee or are dictated by changes to legislation.
The Codes of Best Practice are publicly available, allowing you to see the standards BPCA members work to.
You can find a BPCA member, or check the pest control company you're using is a member using the search tools on our website.
Driving excellence in pest management
Promote professional pest management. Represent the industry. Drive standards and ethics while protecting the environment.
What is a trade association?
A trade association is formed of like-minded businesses working together towards common goals. Trade associations are run by a sector for a sector. There are trade associations in almost every sector of the United Kingdom economy.
Associations are not-for-profit organisations which usually raise money through membership fees or subscriptions. The idea is if everyone pays a little, so together you can achieve a lot!
Learn more about trade associations
Strategic Plan 2021-2025
We're here to REPRESENT, SUPPORT and ASSURE our members.

- our industry to authorities to protect your toolkit
- our members to influencers to extend your reach
- our members to commercial end-users to show your value
- our members to general public to show your value
- ourselves to the sector and our members to be heard.
- technical (pest control) to help you do it well
- health and safety to help you do it safely
- business to help you do it profitably
- teams to help you do it together
- others to help you do it with us.
- service standards to demonstrate our quality
- environmental protection to demonstrate our sustainability
- competence to demonstrate our professionalism
- health and safety standards to demonstrate our responsibility
- ethical practices to demonstrate that we care.
We are guided by values that we perceive to be the critical ingredients to professionalism: passion, integrity, expertise, support.
Becoming a member of BPCA
BPCA membership is open to organisations involved in any aspect of professional pest control. There are currently several categories of BPCA Membership designed to reflect the needs of the pest control industry in Britain, with the membership benefits and criteria differing for each category.
Becoming a member