If you're a professional pest management company it makes good sense to join the leading trade association for the pest control industry in the UK.
British Pest Control Association represents excellence, professionalism and promotes best practice in the often difficult world of pest control. We can represent you in places where a collective voice needs to be heard such as in dealing with the government, your clients, and their associations, or in any circumstances where you may need some extra help. We want to help you increase your business opportunities and keep our important profession profitable.
BPCA is working to deliver a better, fairer Association and at the same time to grow your business and keep you ahead of the competition. There is no doubt they are delivering this in bucket loads. My clients understood that if they want a professional pest controller then they'd have to pay a little extra to fund my training and association costs.
Steve Gould, Company Owner, Effective Pest Management

What does BPCA do?
We place great importance on promoting the highest standards of professionalism within the industry and play a major role in enhancing these standards by way of creating guidelines and Codes of Best Practice, developing training programmes and examinations, producing publications and research, and running exhibitions and conferences.
The BPCA Mission and Vision
Why join BPCA?
As well as being represented in the industry, we work hard to put together an exclusive package of membership benefits for all our members. They include:
- Benefits to increase your business opportunities
- Professional business and technical advice you can trust
- Free and discounted products and services
- A whole network of communications tools to keep you in the loop with your profession
View all Member Benefits
The advantages of BPCA are clear. Not only can we be assured that we are meeting the high standards that our customers expect and deserve, we are also entitled to technical support, business guidance, help with documentation and legislation, discounts and marketing.
Paul Bates, Managing Director, Cleankill Environmental Services
Being part of the BPCA proves to your clients that you're committed to excellence. The BPCA members logo is earned. Our membership community is proud to display their BPCA member's logo. To customers and staff, it's a sign of professionalism and a mark of quality.
Membership categories
The categories of BPCA membership are designed to reflect the needs of the pest control industry in Britain. The membership benefits and criteria for membership differ depending on the category of membership you apply for.

Full Membership
Full Membership is only open to incorporated companies, firms and partnerships engaged in the UK in the business of pest control in any aspect. Full Membership falls into three principle categories:
- Servicing Membership is for sole traders, incorporated companies, firms and partnerships engaged in the UK in the business of pest control. Full Servicing Membership is only for professional pest control servicing companies, including specialist areas such as fumigation, heat treatment or bird management
More about Servicing Membership
Apply to join as a Servicing Member
Not ready for Servicing membership?
- The Probationary Scheme is designed to support servicing companies working in the pest control industry who do not yet meet criteria for Full Servicing Membership. The Probationary Scheme provides you with access to a number of benefits to help and guide you develop high standards of service delivery, and gives extra support to help take your business to the next level - Full Servicing Membership!
More about the Probationary Scheme
Apply to join the Probationary Scheme
More about M&D Membership
Apply to join as a M&D Member
- Consultant Membership is for appropriately qualified consultants that offer specialist advice to manufacturers, servicing companies and clients of pest control services. Consultant members may also deliver training, act as expert witnesses, or advise on contract specifications and industry best practice
More about Consultant Membership
Apply to join as a Consultant Member
Other categories of BPCA Membership
There are several other categories of BPCA Membership designed to reflect the needs of companies that do not fit into full membership or meet our strict membership criteria. These include:
- Associate Membership is for organisations with an interest in pest control or who provide an in-house pest control service but who do not provide a commercial service. Associate Membership is designed to support these types of organisations with technical advice, support, best practice, training and guidance. Some of our Associate Members include companies such as major food manufacturers, concert and exhibition venues, and specification standards bodies
More about Associate Membership
Apply to join as an Associate Member

- Observer (international) is international membership of the Association and is only for organisations working in pest control outside of the UK. BPCA Membership is a sign of quality in the international pest control community and demonstrates to your customers that you're working to the high standards set in the UK
More about Observer Membership
Apply to join as an Observer Member
Applying to join BPCA
To become a Member, you'll need to demonstrate you can meet our strict membership criteria, which varies depending on the type of membership you're applying for. You can read the Membership Criteria by clicking on the individual types of membership. When you're ready to apply, download the application form, fill it out and send it to membership@bpca.org.uk
Apply for Membership