28 February 2022

Check for bed bugs before season starts, says BPCA


Hospitality businesses are being urged to get the 2022 season off to the best start, by making sure their accommodations are free of bed bugs.

check for bed bugs before season starts says bpca

National trade body British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is advising businesses to check for bed bugs before the holiday season gets underway next month – and to maintain regular checks throughout the year.

BPCA has an online guide with video to help hospitality professionals identify a potential bed bug infestation, along with advice on when to call for professional help.

John Horsley is Technical Officer at BPCA. He said: “Bed bugs can live for up to a year without feeding, so a room that has been unused for a few months may not be as empty as it appears.

“Bed bugs are parasitic insects that can be transported on items such as luggage and second-hand furniture.

“They will hide in crevices in beds, nearby furniture, behind skirting boards, under loose wallpaper and even in plug sockets.

“If you spot signs of a bed bug infestation, we strongly recommend you act immediately and contact a professional pest control company, preferably a member of the BPCA.”

Adult bed bugs are wingless insects resembling a small brown disc up to 6mm in length. The early stages of bed bugs are tiny, making them hard to detect with the naked eye.

BPCA warns against amateur treatments which could prolong an infestation and lead to it spiralling out of control.

Bed bugs are not known to spread diseases, but their bites cause red irritating marks or lumps. Some people may develop a severe skin reaction and can experience disturbed sleep.

BPCA warns against amateur treatments which could prolong an infestation and lead to it spiralling out of control.

John added: “Bed bugs will migrate in search of a human host, so if you spot them in one room, they might be elsewhere in the building, so it’s vital that as soon as it is spotted, an infestation is dealt by a pest professional such as a BPCA member.”

The online guide and video can be found at bpca.org.uk/bedbugs

BPCA members are trained, experienced professionals with access to a range of specialist products not available to the public.

They are trained, qualified and regularly assessed to the British Standard in Pest Management BS EN 16636.


To find a professional pest controller visit bpca.org.uk/find

Source: Online

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