29 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Biscuit Beetle

The Biscuit Beetle is found worldwide but more commonly in temperate latitudes. It is common throughout the UK, especially in food storage and retailing premises, and are frequently encountered in a domestic property. They are small reddish-brown insects, only about 3mm long, which attack stored foods in domestic cupboard and larders.


Very similar in appearance and closely related to the Common Furniture Beetle (Woodworm), these insects can easily be confused and misidentified.

Flour, biscuits, cake mixes, cereals, spices, meat and soup powders will attract them most, however, they will thrive on other substances such as poisonous substances like strychnine, belladonna and aconite - hence the beetle’s American name; Drug Store Beetle. They have also been known to penetrate tin foil and lead, and have even bored through a shelf-full of books.

The white larvae are very small and quite active when they hatch. They feed and grow for about two months or so, depending on temperature, the larvae pupate inside cocoons, often within the food material, and one or two weeks later the adult's hatch, their emergence holes resembling typical 'woodworm' (Anobium) exit holes. Mating takes place soon after emergence. The adults fly, but do not feed and live for relatively short periods of three to four weeks.

How to get rid of Biscuit Beetles:

Throw out any infested food and thoroughly clean out any food residues from areas where the beetles or their grubs are found. Also check the loft or eaves of your house for an old bird nest, as these can be a common source of Biscuit Beetles.

'If you feel your issue has not been resolved with the house keeping options above them we recommend you contact a professional pest controller to survey the issue and treat as necessary.

Having problems with Biscuit Beetles?

Use a trained professional pest controller.

Search for your local BPCA member

Source: A-Z

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