Whether you're a pest management professional or interest in public health pest control, take a look at our latest pest news, advice and features from around the UK.
06 November 2024
Latest news
CRRU UK confirms that from 2026, sellers of professional-use rodenticides will only accept two forms of proof of competence at the point of sale.
25 February 2021
Rats next door, rodent carcass disposal, woodworm treatment and insect identification are all covered in this issue of Ask the BPCA technical team.
03 February 2021
BPCA member PGH Beegone says the UK's bee population has been given a fighting chance as a result of lockdowns and reduced travel this last year.
30 November 2020
Poultry farmers and other bird keepers are urged to step up rat and mouse management as part of measures to halt the spread of Avian flu.
27 November 2020
In his previous article in PPC100, Dave Archer looked at the history and legal aspects of rabbit management. In part two, he jumps straight into the practicalities of controlling rabbits.
Anyone who works around animals has an increased risk of picking up a nasty zoonotic disease. It’s up to us to be able to protect ourselves, our clients and our clients’ clients from the diseases pest species can transmit.
Covid-19, Ebola and HIV originated in animals. The Covid-19 pandemic has rightly refocused our attention to the infections of wild animals. Professor Viney shares his research on the ‘zoo of infections’ living in our pest rodents and what it could me
In this PestWatch, BPCA Technical Manager Dee Ward-Thompson takes a look at why bed bugs are so difficult to control and what pest technicians can do to reduce the risk of failed treatments.
26 November 2020
Tim Peeling, product manager at BPCA member Bayer, takes a look at the findings of their summer wasp study.
Proactive squirrel control, multiple rodenticide usage, test and trace and insect identification are all covered in this issue of Ask the BPCA technical team.
Rodent pests resistant to commonly used anticoagulant rodenticides have been identified in areas of the UK and the increase in numbers of these so-called ‘super rats’ presents a challenge to pest controllers.
09 November 2020
Householders and businesses should be on the look-out for signs of an infestation as rats and mice head indoors for winter.
Today (9 November 2020), Defra has published three new general licences for wild bird control which will come into effect in England on 1 January 2021.
04 November 2020
Heating ducts and pipes can be prime spots for cockroaches as the heating goes on in the autumn, a national trade body has warned.
20 October 2020
The spread of rats against which some rodenticides don't work has taken a "surprising and troubling" turn, according to Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use.
14 October 2020
Got some uninvited dinner guests? Is the back of your fridge home to a colony of creepy crawlies? If you find your building crawling with cockroaches, you’re in the right place.
07 October 2020
British Pest Control Association is launching a brand new digital event following the tough decision to postpone PestEx 2021.
30 September 2020
BPCA is urging people to take preventative pest management measures to stop squirrels getting into your roof space this winter.
10 September 2020
After a challenging year for gull control in England, BPCA is asking the pest management community to help us make the process for getting a licence better.
28 August 2020
A range of pest advice leaflets are now available for members to download, customise and print on the BPCA PrintShop.
06 August 2020
Rats resistant to rodenticides are breeding in the UK and more information from farmers is needed to reduce their numbers.
05 August 2020
In our 100th edition of PPC, regular contributor Clive Boase reviews how far the pest management industry has come since PPC first launched and, critically, where he thinks the industry might be in another 25 years.
04 August 2020
Dave Archer, rural pest management expert talks about rabbits; their history, behaviour and biology.
Recent years have seen a rise in silverfish infestations and they can often be hard to control due to behaviour and habitat. To allow effective control of this growing pest, it is important to be well versed in distinguishing between the many differe
Looking back over one hundred issues of PPC, it’s clear that the products in our toolkits have changed considerably. We asked Alex Wade, from member company PelGar International, to look back at rodenticides and insecticides over the last century.
Digital monitoring for pest activity appears in lists of services offered by pest management companies across the world. But what will the impact of remote monitoring have on the level of service a company provides?
06 June 2024
As a result of BPCA’s lobbying efforts, Minister Pow has asked for changes to the glue board licensing regime in England.
18 March 2024
PestEx 2024 was a success! We're thankful to have such an amazing community with 1,609 attendees and over 100 exhibitors.
17 March 2025
Shane-Daniel North talks to PPC magazine about his passion for bees, conservation and helping those who are disadvantaged with pest control problems
14 March 2025
In PPC118, Adrian Gough of Pest Risk Management Group, talks about the upcoming CRRU proof of competence requirements
A look back at what BPCA and our members have achieved together in 2024
The BPCA catalogue of the most common public health and nuisance pests has been created to enable members of the public to make an educated choice when considering pest control.
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