
Certificated Technical Inspector Exam

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This exam will test your knowledge of a Pest Control Technicians work, your ability to create technical inspection reports, provide customer service and explain audit standards.




Retailers are placing increasing demands of pest control service companies to provide service above the level of technician.

A Technical Inspector is someone who can provide this role. In order to be successful, a Technical Inspector will need specialist knowledge of the retail environment and good technical knowledge of their specialist work environment.

To help you prepare for this exam, we would recommend you study the Becoming a Technical Inspector classroom programme. 



Before you take the Certificated Technical Inspector exam you may wish to attend the Becoming a Technical Inspector course.

To pass the Certificated Technical Inspector exam you need to take a two-hour exam, split into two sections:

• 1 scenario question (45 minutes)
• 10 further questions (75 minutes)

Level: Advanced
Prerequisites: ATPM, L2 Health & Safety, L2 Food Safety
Delivery: Exam only
Duration: 2 hours
Assessment: Written exam

After completing the Certificated Technical Inspector programme, you may wish to study:


Technical Programmes

Technical Programmes

Becoming a Field Biologist and take the Certificated Field Biologist exam


Plus+ Programmes

Plus+ Programmes

• Level 3 Award in Food Safety
• Level 3 Award in Education and Training




To take the exam you must have (or equivalent):

Level 2 Award in Health and Safety
Level 2 Award in Food Safety 
• Certificated Advanced Technician (CAT) in Pest Management
• 2 years practical pest control experience in a range of sites, written declaration from a manager
• Be a member of a recognised CPD scheme

You must also be aged 16 or over to take this exam.




Exam-only programme

There is no course or online learning provided with this programme.




  Including VAT Excluding VAT
Members £204.60 £170.50
Non-members £257.40 £214.50

Cancellation Terms:

Exam cancellations will only be accepted on receipt of written instruction and are effective from the date received by the BPCA.

• More than 15 working days prior to exam: No charge 
• 15 working days or more after purchase: 100% of fee
