28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Snakes

In the UK snakes are not dealt with as pests by an average pest control company as problems are not common and dealing with snakes requires particular skills. As stated in the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 it is illegal to kill, injure or sell an

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Sparrows

Rarely a problem in domestic situations, but frequently an issue in commercial premises such as bakeries and warehouses. Sparrows can enter buildings through tiny gaps and, once in, are very difficult to remove.

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Spider Beetles

A group of beetles with globular abdomens and relatively long legs, superficially resembling small spiders, 3-4mm long. General scavengers of all sorts of animal and vegetable debris and stored food, and frequently associated with old birds’ nests. T

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Spiders

In the UK, native spiders are not considered dangerous, or a threat to health but some households suffer from ‘nuisance’ house spiders, and because of common fears (arachnophobia), many require pest control.

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Stable Flies

Closely resembles the Housefly, but this fellow bites. Uncommon indoors but breeds in long grass, straw or grass cuttings where there are horses or other animals.

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Starlings

Although a native to this country, our permanently resident starling population is swelled every autumn by migrants arriving from the Continent. Starlings may roost in their thousands on ledges on buildings and in trees in city centres. Their droppin

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Termites

Social insects which may live in communities of many millions of individuals. In tropical and sub-tropical countries they are major pests of timber buildings. Not presently found in the UK but global warming may allow them to establish in the south o

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Thrips

Also known as “thunder-flies”, tiny (1.5mm) insects, black with narrow, hairy wings. They feed on plant sap and on humid summer days they may occur in huge numbers on window sills and get into clothing and hair.

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Ticks

Closely related to the mites, but much larger and reliant on vertebrate blood. They are occasionally brought into the house on domestic animals and can be picked up by humans after walking through long grass in an infested area. Ticks are implicated

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Voles

Usually confused with Brown Rats, these small, blunt-nosed rodents can occasionally enter buildings, but normally live in outdoor burrows. Not regarded as a household pest, and in fact, some species such as the water vole are a protected species and

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Wasps

Are you worried about wasp stings? Have you found a wasps’ nest? Learn all about wasp nest treatments in our ultimate wasp pest control guide. Get rid of wasps for good.

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Weevils

A term frequently misused to describe beetles in general, but is applicable only to a distinctive group of beetles with long, pointed “snouts” which they use for boring into whole grains, hard processed cereals such as pasta, and timber. Mainly pests

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Wharf Borer

A brown beetle, about 1cm long, with pronounced antennae and a tendency to emerge from damp basements and fly about near rivers or estuaries in early summer. The grubs live in very decayed wet timber such as old jetties or wooden piles. These beetles

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Woodworm

A term used for the destructive larvae of the Common Furniture Beetle. The first sign of woodworm is the appearance of neat round holes, 2mm across, in wooden surfaces, often accompanied by tiny piles of wood dust beneath them. Fresh holes show clean

28 November 2017

Pest Advice for controlling Woodlice

Woodlice are one of the few land crustaceans. They have oval, grey, segmented bodies 10-15mm long, with 14 legs and prominent antennae. Common names include ‘slaters’, ‘sow-bugs’ and ‘pill-bugs’.

28 November 2017

Pest Advice for controlling Woolly Bears

The small hairy larvae of the carpet or fur beetles are known as "woolly bears". These small, oval beetles have outstripped the clothes moths as the major British textile pest. The larvae are small (about 4mm long), covered in brown hairs, and tend t

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Worms

Parasitic worms are a veterinary or medical problem but they are included here because some may be transmitted by rats, mice or certain insects. Threadworms are relatively common in dogs, cats and children. They are thin whitish wrigglers about 5mm l

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Yellow Swarming Fly

One of the species collectively known as Cluster Fly family. A small yellowish fly with black stripes on its back which sometimes invades attics or rarely-used rooms to hibernate in autumn.

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02 January 2024

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Professional rodenticide users have two years to prepare for changes

PRESS RELEASE: All user groups of SGARs covered by the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime have two years to prepare for a significant change in access to such products.

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06 June 2022

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Daera reopen Northern Ireland Wild Bird Licence Consultation

Daera/Northern Ireland Environment Agency is currently considering the wild bird general licences for 2022/2023 and beyond.

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13 June 2019

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Defra release three new general licences for bird control

Three new general licences for the killing or taking of wild birds in England will be issued at 00:01 on Friday 14 June, says Defra.

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03 March 2025

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Don't let pests spoil Pancake Day

Ahead of Pancake Day, British Pest Control Association urges pancake lovers to make sure you check your cupboards and ingredients for tiny insect pests.

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09 January 2025

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How do I stop birds nesting on my property?

Bird proofing is a complex task that should always be left to trained pest professionals rather than attempted as a DIY project.

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18 December 2024

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Pick a professional for protection from pests

Technical and Compliance Manager at British Pest Control Association, Niall Gallagher, explains the value of professional pest management for agriculture businesses.

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