26 June 2020

Identify the differences between wasps, hornets, bees and more

Not everything that buzzes is a pest! Everything that buzzes around your garden is potentially a pollinator. These fascinating insects are incredibly useful; not just in the garden, but also in agriculture, with many crops dependent on pollination.

03 June 2020

Becoming pest ready: guidance for businesses reopening after Covid-19 lockdown

BPCA has created a guidance document to help businesses mitigate the risk of pest problems, as easing of lockdown measures sees business reopening in the UK.

15 May 2020

Pest breeding cycles: counting the pests thriving in your business during lockdown

In this article we talk about how pests are notorious for their ability to reproduce at vast rates, showing why even closed businesses need pest control.

20 April 2020

Surge in pest activity in Covid-19 shutdown

BPCA is keeping a watching brief on pest issues after a survey revealed a significant spike in rat and mice activity in the Covid-19 pandemic.

31 March 2020

Keeping pests at bay in Covid-19 pandemic

BPCA is urging householders to be vigilant to pest infestation during the Covid-19 crisis.

25 March 2020

Pest control critical to sustain public health during Covid-19 crisis

Press release: Urgent action required to ensure pest control management can continue to be administered in the Covid-19 pandemic

15 March 2020

Pest advice for controlling pigeons, gulls and other birds

This guide is packed full of everything you need to know about bird management in the UK. The guide includes why we sometimes have to control birds, how to deter birds, and how to get rid of them if you have an infestation.

28 January 2020

PestAware: Tips for attracting red squirrels

With red squirrels in decline for decades, Millbry Hill's Kathryn Eccles gives her advice for encouraging more of this native species into your garden.

07 January 2020

Pest advice for controlling Mice

Can you hear the pitter-patter of tiny footsteps behind the skirting? Does Tom keep bringing Jerry in from the garden?

21 November 2019

Pest advice for controlling Stored Product Insects (SPIs)

Have you brought something home from the shop riddled with insects? Are you a manufacturer of food products and you want to keep them safe from infestation? If you're sick of stored product insects, you're in the right place.

08 October 2019

Parasite pests can pose problems for people and pets

Pest control experts are urging people to be aware of the threat to health posed by fleas.

08 October 2019

Pest advice for controlling Fleas

Is your pet fidgeting and scratching an unusual amount? Spotted something jumping around on the carpet? If you find yourself fretting about fleas, you’re in the right place.

01 August 2019

Sugar-seeking wasps spark safety message

Wasps on the hunt for a sugar hit could pose a risk to children and the elderly during the school summer holidays.

06 February 2019

Putting safety first with effective bird management

General guidance on some of the health issues relating to feral pigeons and the steps you should consider to make sure they're protected professionally

16 January 2019

Would you eat meat fed on pests?

For many, having an insect anywhere near your breakfast would be cause enough to call a pest management company. But what if your breakfast bacon had been fed on insects? Would the thought of pigs fed on cockroaches, put you off your butty?

16 January 2019

Poison-resistant rat hotspots identified around Midlands

New hotspots of rats that are resistant to anticoagulant rodenticides have been identified by monitoring carried out at The University of Reading.

14 January 2019

VIDEO: Introducing the British Pest Control Association (BPCA)

Pest problems. We’ll all have them at some point in our lives. We've put together this video to let people know how BPCA can help with your domestic or professional pest problems.

29 October 2018

VIDEO: Why do we control and manage pests in the UK?

There’s good reason to be concerned about a pest infestation when it strikes. Pests can all be dangerous, complicated and distressing. We made this pest awareness video to help people understand the risks.

17 October 2018

VIDEO: Choosing a professional pest controller

Pest management is more than just picking a pesticide. Too often we see botched amateur pest control that's left someone with a worse infestation than when they started. Watch our video to find out what you should do to protect your home or work.

09 October 2018

Pest advice for controlling False Black Widow Spiders

Several spiders in the genus Steatoda are mistaken for the rather deadly Black Widow Spider. These lookalikes are often grouped together as False Black Widow Spiders. While these spiders are venomous and their bites can be very painful, they're no mo

08 October 2018

Dare you enter the House of Pests?

BPCA has created an online experience where you can step into the shoes of a pest control technician and discover household pests in a virtual home.

14 August 2018

Pests on farms and in grain stores

As soon as you start to accumulate large amounts of food in one place, pests will always become a problem. We take a look at the pest problems farms and grain stores have and ask what should you expect from your pest controller.

26 July 2018

10 tips for keeping rats and wasps out of your bins this Summer

With Britain currently in the grip of an unprecedented heatwave, we’ve put together some advice for stopping rats and wasps getting into your household rubbish.

19 July 2018

Wasps and rodents on the rise as temperatures soar

It is looking like a bumper year for pests, with the heatwave providing perfect conditions for wasps, rats and mice to thrive, according to industry experts.

17 July 2018

Reported surge in fly bites and advice to public

BPCA is issuing advice to the public to be pest aware following a reported increase in the number of fly bites.

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02 January 2024

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Professional rodenticide users have two years to prepare for changes

PRESS RELEASE: All user groups of SGARs covered by the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime have two years to prepare for a significant change in access to such products.

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06 June 2022

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Daera reopen Northern Ireland Wild Bird Licence Consultation

Daera/Northern Ireland Environment Agency is currently considering the wild bird general licences for 2022/2023 and beyond.

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13 June 2019

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Defra release three new general licences for bird control

Three new general licences for the killing or taking of wild birds in England will be issued at 00:01 on Friday 14 June, says Defra.

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03 March 2025

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Don't let pests spoil Pancake Day

Ahead of Pancake Day, British Pest Control Association urges pancake lovers to make sure you check your cupboards and ingredients for tiny insect pests.

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09 January 2025

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How do I stop birds nesting on my property?

Bird proofing is a complex task that should always be left to trained pest professionals rather than attempted as a DIY project.

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18 December 2024

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Pick a professional for protection from pests

Technical and Compliance Manager at British Pest Control Association, Niall Gallagher, explains the value of professional pest management for agriculture businesses.

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