15 June 2018

Wasps going on? The changing pattern of summer pest behaviour

The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is urging the public to be on their guard for wasps as they anticipate a significant increase in prevalence this summer.

04 June 2018

World Pest Day: What would the world be like without pest control?

6 June 2018 is the second ever World Pest Day. To mark the occasion, we’re imagining what would be different in a world without any pest management.

11 May 2018

'Bee-wise' this Spring

British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is issuing an appeal to the British public to be ‘bee aware’ as warmer weather looms.

09 May 2018

Bee-wise this Spring

BPCA is issuing a timely message for those who find swarms or nests in or near their home to avoid seeing them as a pest, and seek expert help to ensure they are protected.

19 April 2018

Climate conditions clear the way for mosquitoes in the UK

Spring marks the start of the flying insect season in the UK and current weather patterns could see numbers soar, according to a national trade body.

29 March 2018

Pest control procedures in the food industry - A recipe for success

Pest infestation in food premises has always been unacceptable. The risks to public health – and to reputations – are serious concerns.

21 March 2018

Ticking the box - the value of maintenance cycles for effective pest control

A pest management maintenance cycle plays a significant role in health and safety, well-being, and upholding the reputation of a business. Find out how to implement a robust pest control maintenance cycle.

26 February 2018

Pest Awareness Week kicks off with war on litter to tackle rodent numbers

BPCA is urging the public to be mindful of the link between pests and litter as part of a week-long event to raise awareness of the issue of species such as rats and mice in public spaces.

26 February 2018

Everything you need to know about heat treatments for bed bugs

Heat treatments are a chemical-free method of pest control used to treat bed bugs by raising the temperature of an affected room. Buyers guide.

23 February 2018

Surge in poison-resistant rat numbers

BPCA is highlighting the importance of expert pest control after a report revealed a new generation of rats carrying a genetic mutation which makes them resistant to conventional poison.

23 February 2018

Pest Control in the hospitality industry according to the Hygiene Doctor

Pest control is very important to the hospitality industry. Failure to control pests can lead to serious legal consequences including closure of the premises, fines and prosecutions, and catastrophic drops in food hygiene rating scores.

23 February 2018

Green pest control - Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

When selecting a pest control contract, care should be given to specify a contractor that can prevent pests rather than cure their effects and can do this using the minimum of chemicals.

22 February 2018

Do I need pest control?

Maybe you've spotted a rat in your garden or discovered a wasp nest in your shed. Perhaps you suspect your favourite furniture is infested with biting insects. Might your company stockroom be rife with unwelcome mice?

29 November 2017

Pest Advice for controlling Bats

The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 provides protection for all species of bat found in the United Kingdom.

29 November 2017

Pest Advice for controlling Ants

The commonest species that invades houses is the Black Garden Ant, which is actually very dark brown. All ants have the main divisions of the body (head, thorax, abdomen) distinctly separated by very narrow waists and have a sharp elbow joint in thei

29 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Bed bugs

Found some unexplained reddish brown spots on your bedding? Been bitten while slumbering? And have you ever wondered if bed bugs live anywhere other than your mattress?

29 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Bees

There are over 200 types of Bees in the UK, including 25 types of bumblebees! We've listed some of the most common here. Different types of bee may require different treatment methods.

29 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Beetles

The main types of Beetle in the UK and we've got information on more of the types of Beetle you're likely to encounter.

29 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Biscuit Beetle

The Biscuit Beetle is found worldwide but more commonly in temperate latitudes. It is common throughout the UK, especially in food storage and retailing premises, and are frequently encountered in a domestic property. They are small reddish-brown ins

29 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Black Rats

The Black Rat or Ship Rat is now rarely found in the UK. This rat that brought the Black Death across Europe and the Great Plague of London in the 17th century.

29 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Blow Flies

The term Blow Fly is a general description of a number of species of large buzzing flies, which include the Bluebottle, the Greenbottle and the Flesh Fly.

29 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Bluebottles

The Bluebottle is a large buzzing fly with shiny, metallic blue body, 6-12mm long. One Bluebottle can lay up to 600 eggs, which in warm weather will hatch in under 48 hours and produce maggots which can become fully developed in a week. These maggots

29 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Booklice (Psocids)

Booklice (Psocids) are very common but harmless household pests. They are not caused by poor hygiene as they are just as common in scrupulously clean homes.

29 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Body Lice

Small, flat, wingless, grey parasites about 2mm long with strong claw legs and which feed on human blood. They are similar in appearance to head lice and can easily be confused.

29 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Brown House Moth

The commonest of the so-called clothes moths, with characteristic golden-bronze wings, flecked with black, folded flat along its back. The adult is about 8mm long and prefers to run rather than fly.

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02 January 2024

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Professional rodenticide users have two years to prepare for changes

PRESS RELEASE: All user groups of SGARs covered by the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime have two years to prepare for a significant change in access to such products.

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06 June 2022

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Daera reopen Northern Ireland Wild Bird Licence Consultation

Daera/Northern Ireland Environment Agency is currently considering the wild bird general licences for 2022/2023 and beyond.

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13 June 2019

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Defra release three new general licences for bird control

Three new general licences for the killing or taking of wild birds in England will be issued at 00:01 on Friday 14 June, says Defra.

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03 March 2025

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Don't let pests spoil Pancake Day

Ahead of Pancake Day, British Pest Control Association urges pancake lovers to make sure you check your cupboards and ingredients for tiny insect pests.

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09 January 2025

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How do I stop birds nesting on my property?

Bird proofing is a complex task that should always be left to trained pest professionals rather than attempted as a DIY project.

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18 December 2024

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Pick a professional for protection from pests

Technical and Compliance Manager at British Pest Control Association, Niall Gallagher, explains the value of professional pest management for agriculture businesses.

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